Aluksons Business Solutions: What we do

You may be one of 30.2 million companies in the United States that is looking to innovate and be worth a billion dollars. You likely have a well though out business plan that sees you reaching your goal within the next 7 years or so. You are not delusional; several companies have reached a multi billion dollar valuation (up to $16 billion in fact) in 5 years or less per Business Insider.
It is essential that you keep in mind that you have a much stronger chance to fail than you do to succeed. In fact, there is a very strong chance your business does not even last 2 years.

The reasons are numerous: lack of clients or funds, inability to scale fast enough, inadequate planning, poor marketing strategy any many other reasons. It is extremely difficult to build a unicorn, and even harder to sustain it and keep innovating! Most people have never been involved in growing a billion dollar company; too many have never even worked for one.

We have. We want to teach you everything we know about the many unicorns we have worked for. Our goal is to educate you, and save you considerable time and resources. Help you leverage technology to solve all your problems.

You can do it alone, but it will take you a LOT less time with our help.We are extremely resourceful, and will keep technology EASY (Easy Affordable and Secure for You). Automation, Billing, Security, Engineering (because we are engineers), Messaging, Marketing; We will provide you with shortcuts. And technology. And the best technology recommendations. And statistical analysis... save you lots of time and money.

We are a managed services provider (MSP), and as such have a special focus on Network, Wireles Security, and Cloud Engineering and we will also provide website support at a very affordable cost.We are a managed services provider (MSP), and as such have a special focus on Network, wireless, Security, and Cloud Engineering and we will also provide website support at a very affordable cost.

Contact us: Call us! Visit our website: Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram. Set up an appointment! Your first one is Free.

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