Aluksons Business Solutions is helping JVE International, a non-profit organization headquartered in Lome, Togo with a presence in 25 countries bring solar energy to families in Africa, specifically in Togo.
Togo, one of the poorest countries in the World has a rural electricity index of 7%, which means that in rural areas, only 7% of the people in the West African country have access to electricity.

Let that sink in!
The roads have no lights in villages. How do they move around at night? Refrigerate food? Communicate?
We want to invite you to help us help them.
$16 will get a villager a solar lamp with USB ports.
$32 will get him an interrupter operated solar lamp with multiple power outlets and charging ports
There are also other options (see photos below)

With every donation you make, we will get you in touch with either an ambassador or a person helped that you will be able maintain a relationship with. Who knows, maybe you'll make the trip to this beautiful country in the near future.
For every $100 donation, Aluksons Business Solutions invests an additional $50 in advertising to promote the cause.
Click HERE to see our latest efforts to train and help JVE volunteers make the world a better place.
​You can also see it on an article posted on our Facebook page:
More on Togo:
Remember, somebody will go to bed in the dark today! Even A single dollar helps. Donate happily.